A Yorkshireman's wife passes away. ', 'I'm a retired tailor,' the bartender says, 'and I always wanted to own a bar. he asked. New Year's Day is the perfect time to reflect on the past year and set some goals for the future. But Sam wi' a shake of 'is 'ead. Im a Yorkshire Tyke myself, by the way. Yorkshireman: No I want it chewin a bone yer daft beggar. Where's the 'e'? When a Yorkshireman is truly shocked, this is his battle cry. jokes about tight yorkshireman 25. themselves! Rather obviously, he remarked, "You're decorating, I see." His mate replies "you were lucky, in Yorkshire you would have had to pay for it!". Sammy snatched tbird frae him an they started fratchin like mad, till tshooiter hissen cam ower. 'It's easy' he said. "And the ladies, in unison, put their hands over their eyes! // -->