Its goal is to disrupt our democracy.. Ferez-vous la mme chose? So with more and more Liberal-Conservative swing voters calling Liberal MPs about inflation, passport wait times, airport irritations, immigration backlogs and more, the Trudeau PMO is probably already having a harder time finding Liberal MPs willing to diffuse issues by parroting PMO talking points in the media to cover for bad policy or incompetent Ministers and senior Liberal staffers. From a distance, there is solid rationale for Trudeau to see his current mandate through at least another year. Freedom Truckers Ottawa A Preemptive SOS, Worldwide Trucker Freedom Convoys 2022 #freedomconvoy2022, Emergency Video TRUCKERs, Dr Paul Alexander, Dr Roger Hodkinson, GiveSendGo Donate Convoy to Ottawa Tamara Lich News Conference GoFundMe Update Feb 3 2022, Maxime Bernier Canadian Freedom With GB TV News, This is Sheer Madness, I dissent Kyle Kemper, PM Trudeaus Half Brother. At this point with scandal after scandal Trudeau is an illegitimate Prime Minister and the Liberals have lost confidence of the people to govern. He is hurting our country and crushing our children. Can Canada Rise? If he won a snap election, he would have more time to consider the path his future might take without risking defeat. After clearing this hurdle and with Canadas Covid-19 vaccination campaign progressing rapidly Trudeau, who enjoys a high approval rating, could be tempted to call for snap elections at the end of the summer in an effort to regain a parliamentary majority, which his Liberal party lost after October 2019s general election. La personne qui a lanc cette ptition a dcid d'agir. The bottom line is indisputable.We, the undersigned citizens of Canada are casting our votes of No Confidence vote against Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and his liberal party until a new Federal Election to replace him. Trudeau and the newly sworn in ministers in Ottawa on Oct. 26, 2021 (Courtesy of Alex Ttreault/PMO) On Sept. 20, voters returned a Parliament that will look a lot like the one Justin Trudeau was . Conservative MPs who were elected post Harper government will need to figure out how to express themselves within the bounds of what will certainly be tighter message discipline expectations needed for the team to win a general election. Justin Trudeau has voted non-confidence in himself, repeatedly. This needs to stop. We researched the claim that Suzette. But while the talk of who comes next after Trudeau started some time ago, it might be landing differently for Trudeau come the resumption of Parliament in September than it ever has before. Responding to growing calls for the next RCMP commissioner to be an Indigenous person, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has called it "an excellent Idea." The . To all of our MPs, and to Justin Trudeau, go back to work! Join the ranks of independent, free thinkers by supporting us today for as little as $1. | The. "We, the undersigned citizens of Canada further demand that Justin Trudeau step down as Prime Minister AND as Leader of the Federal Liberal Party. A CBDC is virtual money backed and issued, Infowarsis going live for an exclusive 16-hour emergency transmission on Tuesday, January, The City of Prince George has suspended its Mandatory COVID-19 Vaccine Program on Friday, two days, The College of Psychologists of Ontario have joined the CPSO and other deviants, in their unlawful, Call for witnesses now open! November 2022 Archbishop Carlo, SARS-COV-2 Antibody Testing Explained. A tight, resonant, but conservative election message that attracts swing voters is also needed. A fall 2022 election would be a giant Hail Mary pass for Trudeau, to be sure. It's also core to understanding how far Trudeau's fortunes have declined if he actually decides to go to the polls in a few weeks. Sent to The Standard, and The Post Feb. 18, 2022, I'm on a mission to convert my family to an eco-friendly, permaculture gardening, living on the land and off the grid, lifestyle of deep Earth connection. World Economic Forum NO-NO, Nuremberg 2 Grand Jury Proceeding Court of Public Opinion All Dates, Chrystia Freelands a Director of Klauss WEF & A Nazi Grand Daughter, Dr Paul Alexander, Dr Valerio: Send Corrupt Doctors to Jail.. All Lies, Fraud Beyond Any Weve Known Edward Dowd Wall Street, UPDATE Peace & Love Woman With Walker Trampled By Police Horses, Canada! When you support The Post Millennial, you support freedom of the press at a time when it's under direct attack. 2/3/2022 08:57:34 pm. A fall writ drop would make it much harder for deep malaise against Trudeau to really set into the Liberal Party apparatus; theyd all be fighting for their seats instead of plotting against him. It is a movement funded by foreign influence, and it is fed on disinformation. Convoys rolled into Ottawa in January soon after the government of Canada introduced vaccination rules for cross-border truckers. A petition with the goal of reaching 1 million signatures to remove Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau from office has reached over 20 percent of its goal. Negatived. Senior Liberals and New Democrats are kicking around the idea of reaching a deal that would allow the government to go three years without falling on a confidence vote. Put another way, after this leadership contest, there wont be anyone left who could realistically lead, finance or organize a group of dissidents from any wing of the party in any meaningful way. Three times, Lloyd called on Trudeau to apologize. Third Tory MP calls for no confidence vote in PM - as it happened Gary Streeter becomes latest Tory MP to put letter into 1922 Committee; Labour says Gove plans to 'turbo-charge the country'. On August 13, 2021, two days before Canadian prime minister Justin Trudeau called a federal election, his government made a major announcement that "as early as at the end of September . Victory, Liberal Party. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau of Canada has tested positive for the coronavirus after an exposure last week. We are going to take our world back. We, the undersigned citizens of Canada further demand that Justin Trudeau step down as Prime Minister AND as Leader of the Federal Liberal Party. Thats because contrary to what some pundits are saying, a first ballot Pierre Poilievre win will not result in a schism in the Conservative Party. And once that happens, Trudeau will no longer have the luxury of perilously bad Liberal policy and scandal being continuously overshadowed by a brilliantly destructive internal Conservative war that lasted for nearly a decade and three general elections. Debates have been cut short too many times in this House of Commons, on issues that deserve lengthy scrutiny. Listen to this gentle, Aired on January 30th, 2022. This leadership race is a brutish final act to nearly a decade of Conservative Party history pockmarked by infighting. which has alreadyfiredover 2500 healthcare workers continues to terminate, Canadas Conservative Party The So Called Alternate Government Cant Run A Leadership Campaign Of, Some of you have contacted me about the recent CTV and Globe news tories about, It should be no surprise that the two candidates whom the corrupt state propagandists tell us are. The. While it might be tempting for some Liberals to dismiss all this, increasing numbers of Liberal caucus members are already showing public signs of discontent with Trudeaus leadership. Its a dumb political move to take on water for a guy that is already dragging down your local support. Trudeau, however . You have one job! An election loss to Pierre Poilievre would be catastrophic for Justin Trudeaus personal brand. Honestly, its been 2. Having campaigned bitterly against Trudeau's decision to call an election last summer in the midst of the fourth wave . That conversion therapy ban, for example, paints it as child abuse to encourage my child to go through puberty in their own body this certainly deserves more open scrutiny and it is unnerving that it passed unanimously. The Trudeau government is getting long in the tooth; someone born in the year he became Prime Minister will be entering grade two in a few weeks. However, my research has revealed that the, Shaun Rickard updates us on developments regarding his legal challenge with the federal court of, Were Living in an unseen Dictatorship, 2020 was the Big Tech Takeover Turning Point. This means campaign volunteers and financing will be easier to come by, and the caucus may be better behaved with the prospect of a cabinet position being on the table. Vote of No Confidence and reads, in part, In 1974, the House of Commons passed a motion of no confidence and brought down Pierre Elliott Trudeaus Liberal government. I would argue that at this point, everyone is weary of the broad impact of the post-Harper internal war of succession. Big rigs and protesters occupied Ottawa streets for almost three weeks, holding out against Ottawa Police Services, which failed to manage the crisis. OTTAWA, ONTARIO Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is facing resistance from those who believe he went too far by invoking the federal Emergencies Act to end the largely peaceful protests. We greatly appreciate your support to help keep this blog up and running! At this point, it is only a matter of time before Trudeaus would-be successors and their assorted agitators become more emboldened and start to stage more robust attempts to sabotage him. It would be a huge gamble to drop the writ without inflation firmly under control or while Canadians are trying to cope with the financial impact of generationally unprecedented interest rate hikes. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau poses for a photograph in Ottawa, on Thursday, Dec. 16, 2021. . A freedom of information request resulted in, Dr. Clare Craig Exposes How Pfizer Twisted Their Clinical Trial Data for Young Children Kid Carson, June 15 2022 Top epidemiologist for Public Health Agency of Canada never recommended vaccination, Underprivileged kids are being discriminated against and denied opportunities because of their, The videos on this page will speak for themselves. Do your job, get rid . Since he has taken office he has only shown the Canadian people that the only province he cares about is Quebec. The conservative opposition voted together against Trudeau, who was able to hang on thanks to the support of three other smaller blocs in the lower chamber. Justin Trudeau lied to all of us. Trudeau is very likely to have a vastly larger caucus and activist problem than Poilievre will as a fresh leader over the same x-axis of time. Dr Peter McCullough Stand Up & Say No The Vaccine Is Not Safe or Working, Freedom Convoy 2022 Organizers First Live Press Conference, CB Audio Truckers Convoy To Ottawa *Listen Live*, Brigette Belton, Convoy Trucker Interview #truckersforfreedom 2022, Lawyer Reiner Fuellmich Update On The International Criminal Trials Crimes Against Humanity, Taking Back Our Freedom Brian Peckford (To Ottawa), Sen Ron Johnson Hearing World Renowned Doctors & Medical Experts, CDC Finally Acknowledges The Power of Natural Immunity USA, 1 Million Signatures to Remove PM Justin Trudeau,, 2022 Year of Truth & Humanity Something Brief & Inspirational. Trudeau's deal would require the Liberals to support the left-leaning NDP, on various priority issues in parliament. It now reaches more than 320,000 unique visitors weekly. Trudeau has in the past declared confidence votes on opposition motions in the House of Commons that sought to criticize the government's conduct, including one in 2020 that proposes a special. A guy with blackface pictures is a tough sell to be a brand spokesperson. But again, the end of the war will make it harder for these tactics to knock the team off course. And those who simply want to cause trouble or who have an axe to grind will have a hard time finding fertile ground for revolution. Once the snowball of caucus malcontent gathers critical mass, a leader has a snowballs chance in hell of stopping it. "With so much instability around us, Canadians need stability," Trudeau said on Tuesday. He hasnt accomplished the type of bold foreign policy that would propel him into the top ranks of multinational organizations. But to be fair, the case for Trudeau not triggering a fall 2022 election is strong. Please. The claim that situations in relation the Emergencies Act have made it too dangerous for the House to gather, sounds eerily like the logic that covid numbers made it too dangerous for protesters to be out objecting to our hyper-focus on covid numbers. If the NDP joins the Conservatives in a non-confidence vote, that would force a snap election. There is a certain appeal to the prospect that significant work could actually be accomplished under a longish-term reprieve from what has been nearly a decade of near continuous internal bullshit. The conservative opposition voted together against Trudeau, who was able to hang on thanks to the support of three other smaller blocs in the lower chamber. And the most prominent members of cabinet are eyeing Trudeaus sustained lack of resonance with Canadians and realizing that with a bit of effort they have the potential to become more electable than Trudeau is now. We, the undersigned citizens of Canada, call upon the Governor General of Canada and/or House of Commons to dissolve Parliament and call a Federal Election. You Can Be Free [documentary], BC Public Service Workers Lawyer: Unions Failed To Represent Them, Judges Rule Against Bonnie Henry & Deena Hinshaw, They Are Not Above The Law, Joseph Bourgault & 2 Others Disqualified From CPC Leadership Race, Dispelling the Myth of a Pandemic of the Unvaccinated, Get The Conservative Party Out Of WEF Hands, Maxime Bernier In Court Defending Right to Peacefully Protest, Douglas College Student No Mask Court Date April 27/22 830am New West BC, Litigator Leighton Grey on Albertas Lockdowns & Constitutional Cases, World Economic Forum A Failing Criminal Organization. The Liberals are implementing the largest assault on hunters in Canadian history. To find out what personal data we collect and how we use it, please visit our Privacy Policy,, Petition for Trudeau to resign reaches over 200,000 signatures, Canadian pastor arrested after protesting drag queen story hour event at Calgary library, Trudeau Foundation to return $200k donation potentially linked to Chinese Communist Party, BREAKING: Canadian trans shop teacher with massive prosthetic breasts no longer teaching at school, Radical academics seek to shut down 'problematic' talk at the University of Winnipeg, BC cannabis company receives permission to process, sell cocaine, Trudeau bans TikTok on government devices. 2023 SAUDI RESEARCH & PUBLISHING COMPANY, All Rights Reserved And subject to Terms of Use Agreement. However, all signs are pointing to a decisive first or at most, second ballot Poilievre victory in September. Declining winnability means it will be harder to go back to the well for support if the team begins to seriously wonder if hes a liability to their future success, as many are probably doing this summer. Dr. Robert Malone comments during an interview on, Who in Canada is tied to the Great Reset? Uh oh. Canada Wake UP! They might believe that the Liberals might easily be able to simultaneously juxtapose Trudeau over the upcoming American presidential cycle in a way that will yield another general election victory for the Liberals. No exceptions!!! Free Targets and Target Tracker Shooting Logs! 16. There are others, too. OTTAWA, Canada: The minority government of Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau survived a parliamentary vote of no confidence Wednesday in a face-off over the proposed budget, eliminating the possibility of early elections this summer. The caucus will be more willing to allow him to make and recover from missteps, sort out matters internally, and less likely to do something to undermine his internal credibility. "All Canadians can have total confidence that the outcomes of the 2019 and the 2021 elections were determined by Canadians, and Canadians alone, at the voting booth," said Trudeau in mid-February. He said later in an . Neither am I making an argument that the end result of the war of succession justifies the manner in which it played out. Moyie Springs, Idaho 83845, Call us if you have Questions 800-627-3809. In the aftermath, it will be critical for the post-war Conservative Party to quickly relearn how to constructively work together, and earn the trust of broader groups of Canadians we need on board to earn the right to govern but that might not have full overlap with Pierre Poilievres leadership following. December 7, 2022. But there are more likely and interesting names popping up with greater frequency. In context, And just like that, the UK became freer than the US & Canada. From a distance, there is solid rationale for Trudeau to see his current mandate through at least another year. Rocco was brilliantas he argued the merits of the case in, The proposed amendments to the International Health Regulations 2005 were voted down by the, No Vote To Remove Mandates | Misleading/Fraudulent Emails Sent By Poilievre Campaign, Para el espaol, haga clic aqu. Short of a miracle happening for Trudeau, I dont see how the Liberals could actually be dumb enough to allow him to take them perilously close to a general election without a robust leadership contest that at least attempts to insulate them from the war of succession my party went through or the one the Liberals went through post Chrtien. OTTAWA, Ont. It actually did, no longer a democracy. Catherine McKenna has arguably already cornered the market for former Canadian left wing politicians on the climate change policy speaking circuit. No election yet as Liberal minority government survives third budget confidence vote Prime Minister Justin Trudeau holds a press conference in Ottawa on Friday, April 23, 2021, during the COVID-19 . Justin Trudeau is Going To Prison How Many Lives Will it Take? With the war of succession over, there wont be as many internal agents within the Conservative Party willing to leverage traditional Trudeau Liberal traps to help divide the caucus and sabotage the leader, as was the case with both Scheer and OToole. The federal Liberals and New Democrats have finalized an agreement that, if maintained, would keep Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's government in power until the end of the current . Ottawa, Ontario. The Liberal Party of Canada and the New Democratic Party have come to a agreement in a confidence deal that would keep Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's government in power with a minority government until 2025, in exchange for advancing key NDP policies. The 2021-2022 budget, which began April 1, must still be approved by the Senate -- a formality expected Friday, ahead of the summer recess. Bergen. Thank you! The emergency measures, which Prime Minister Justin Trudeau . And he has benefitted from it as Liberal leader during the 2015 election campaign against Harper and to today. Buckle in, leave your cognitive dissonance at the door, It is withholding certain vaccine data from the public over fears it would be interpreted as the, Look at what has happened. The U.S. Energy Department has concluded that the COVID pandemic most likely arose from a, Where there is unity, there is always victory. Publilius Syrus (85 BC). Political wars of succession stem mostly from the simple fact that there is nothing that unites a caucus of elected officials like the possibility of winning a general election, forming a cabinet, and effecting change from the governing benches. 232. It is time to stand up to the current Liberal Government and vote Justin Trudeau out of office., Video has also surfaced of Justin Trudeau, when he was first running for Prime Minister, telling an audience that the country he admired the most is China, because their basic dictatorship allows them to go green and be more flexible.. There is a good chance that swords will be put down and everyone will take a breather. Free to Fly Aviation Legal Campaign The aviation sector was thrust to the pointy end of coercive, Canadian Government | Childrens Health Defense On this page Introducing the Government of, Born out of the World Economic Forum, the Global Shapers Community is a network of inspiring young, Stand4Thee Document | Border Cities Call for End Dont install or use ArriveCrap app. His crackdown on Canadian protestors exercising their free speech is only the beginning of the vision that he has for Canada. Founder and Executive Chairman of the World Economic Forum Klaus Schwab at Harvards John F. When Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland announced they. Prime Minister Justin Trudeau arrives for the Liberal party caucus meeting from West Block on Feb. 9, 2022. Theyre also probably reaching a point of resentment for covering for the mistakes of cabinet colleagues who are better sycophants than leaders (read: Melanie Joly). Trudeaus most competent cabinet Ministers are probably realizing that theyd be in any leaders cabinet, not just Trudeaus. "The bottom line is indisputable.We, the undersigned citizens of Canada are casting our votes of No Confidence vote against Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and his liberal party until a new Federal Election to replace him. Backlash: Library Drag Queen Story Hour. YME, Republican Florida Gov. Canada's Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is seen on a screen as he speaks during Question Period in the House of Commons on Parliament Hill in Ottawa on June 22, 2021. Plus other informative documentaries. Now, Canadians are calling for his impeachment after his latest misdeed. Andrew Scheer had Bernier, OToole, MacKay, Poilievre, and Charest all looming in the background immediately after his win. Global COVID Summit Declaration IV Restore Scientific Integrity. Vote no confidence vote for a Justin Trudeau. What is truly on the, Joe Rogan reads part of the Terms of Service Device Information We collect certain, Chilliwack school trustee Willow Reichert behaves like a dictator & refuses to answer questions, Premiers Scott Moe said, The Government of Saskatchewan will not share any personal medical, The UN-Forum Partnership was signed in a meeting held at United Nations headquarters between UN, PETITION STOP CLASSROOM GROOMING A call to action: Cancel this event! And they will be banking on the wheels falling off a Poilievre led Conservative Party before the wheels fall off the Liberal Party, just as they did under Scheer and OToole. The motion passed with support from the Liberal and NDP while Conservatives and Bloc Quebecois MPs voted against it. OTTAWA -. (Video: CTV via AP) Trudeau last week became the first leader . But for Trudeau, trying to keep the wheels on the bus of a restless Liberal Party while in coalition with the NDP for two or three more years is probably a bigger challenge than attempting to defeat Poilievre in a snap fall 2022 federal election. Since then, he has been slammed by Canadians across the entire country. And for the first time in several years, come what may, a realistic possibility exists that this internal warfare might blessedly be over. Even better, go down to the protest and actually talk to the Canadian citizens who have put their lives on hold to demand you listen, as the Public Servants you are. Country Wide Strike! v. Canada The Justice Centre is funding this legal and constitutional challenge to the, A British Columbia secondary school is promoting aworkshopthis week for students, And this story, shall the good man teach his son! Article date: August 20, Canada-WEF partnered digital ID project still ongoing despite prior reports According to Transport, Map of the 199 CANADIAN communities that applied to the Smart Cities Challenge. He began SurvivalBlog in 2005. Also, February polling clearly shows that. Dr Steven Pelech Ph.D. President & Chief Scientific, Join MOM Army, DAD Army and Gays Against Groomers in a nationwide protest against Balenciaga and, Join Gays Against Groomers and other child protection organizations at a rally to end the war on, The critical race theory (CRT) movement is a collection of activists and scholars engaged in, | Kits House Vancouver | Terryberry Hamilton Public Library | Protect Childhood Innocence |, For centuries, the global elite have broadcast their intentions to depopulate the world , Weve got to stop this insane fear of nothing says Judy A. Mikovits, Ph.D. on todays Good, DearAction4Canadamembers, With the recent talk of reintroduction of mask mandates in, Children of any age can seek MAID, without their parents knowing. "The situation is no . Why? Change in this matter would be a good thing for Canada too. Outside the House of Commons, the streets around Parliament Hill have been cleared of trucks and protesters, although police still control access to the area. The Daily Web Log for Prepared Individuals Living in Uncertain Times. Please Share, Boycott? Candice Bergen MP Portage-Lisgar When Will Trudeau Listen to The Freedom Convoy? Trudeau has burned a lot of capital with his caucus and his cabinet to toe the line on scandal and incompetence. The Liberal government won the vote 185-151 with the support of the New Democratic Party. Dec 3 GAYS AGAINST GROOMERS, Groomer School Series: Whats Going On In Schools- James Lindsay, Kits House Kitsilano BC Drag Queen Story Hour Ages 3-10 Stop Manipulative Grooming, !Attention Moms! "We, the undersigned citizens of Canada, call upon the Governor General of Canada and/or House of Commons to dissolve Parliament and call a Federal Election," the petition reads. This is going to real trial. In August, when he called the election saying "Canadians need to choose how we finish the fight against Covid-19", political headwinds appeared to be blowing in Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's favour. We, the undersigned citizens of Canada have lost confidence in him as Canadas Prime Minister and we feel he no longer serves the best interests of Canadians. Again, Poilievre will be enjoying a period of stability in his caucus while Trudeau is seeing a decrease of the same in his. While a single set of approval numbers arent a case for long term concern, theyve been trending downward for some time now. The only real tool Trudeau now has to prevent this from happening is to call a fall 2022 election. PP: John Baird, Tim Uppal & Leo Housakos?