I was on another web site recently and found the best matches for every sun/moon combination in the zodiac Of course this is also going off of just sun signs and moon signs alone with out looking at anyone else's placement's in their birth chart, So, For people these screen shots may not be correct and be sure to take that into consideration while reading the screen shots I taken and posted in . Scorpio and Scorpio compatibility falls between 75% to 85%. The sign placement of Venus in your birth chart tells you, more precisely than your Sun sign, Moon sign, or Rising sign, what you're looking for in a relationship.Note: if you don't know the sign of your Venus . The key to happiness in this relationship will be to enjoy the excitement of your partnership and to avoid getting into a pattern where you are always running after your somewhat hard to please partner, trying to make them happy. So, the Libra-Scorpio cusp individuals merge or blend Venus/Pluto. Did you miss me? but im loyal as long the person is loyal too. Scorpio natives are not people who like to explore much and hence they mostly fall in love with people who are the same. Venus in Libra people are usually kind and understanding with children and small animals, but risk bringing their own up without enough discipline. You two need to establish some goals in your relationship in order to escape the endless loop. Togetherness is of utmost value to both of you, and your similarities can be the foundation for a powerful bond. Capricorn Planetary Positions Calculations/Report. Libra at work. . A Venus in Scorpio in the natal chart placement gives the native an attraction for the obscure and the hidden. Mars is the warrior planet of the zodiac. Dear YoSupDawg: Your ad really caught my attention. Cancer Sun-Moon. A chart with the Sun in Libra and the Moon in Scorpio reveals that people born under this combination are balanced and serene. Venus Scorpio likes to be covert with feelings, at least at first. You can pull off the slutty look better than most. There is a tendency to be possessive of your lovers. They share a love of mystery, and a desire to peel the layers of the soulful onion. They just want the right end result without all the pesky messiness of dating around. Your partner needs some space and solitude in order to work things out inside, while your first instinct is to talk things through. Leo Dates will involve snuggling, cuddling, and long talks deep into the night about anything and everything. Okay, Real Talk: Is Sex Therapy Actually Worth It? The two can share in their . Scorpio is comfortable in the dark, in . But once theyve decided youre worth it, theyre loyal to the end. They need to feel like theyre the center of your world. As such, you will likely find you share a lot of interests, but acting on these things might be a problem. . You can sometimes give off an air of detachment, and your charming manner might be interpreted by your partner as a lack of sincerity. On further inspection, however, there is a key difference between your styles of loving that could easily become a bone of contention over time. Much like their sun sign counterparts, people with a Leo in Venus is loud and proud about who they choose to love. If she takes the risk, she senses that it's worth it, knowing full well that all heck will break loose. Their natural charm and eye for aesthetics give them a desire for a fairy-tale-esque love. Relationships will always end well for them. Nothing is more important to the Venus in Leo than love. Unfortunately, for Scorpio, friends with benefits just doesnt cut it. Libra is always down to chat about something juicy, while Scorpio wants to do a deep-dive on everything. Pisces. They like to have fun and they can be very playful in bedor just when theyre flirting. Of course, a relationship doesnt necessarily need a leader, per se. Likewise, a Scorpio woman is softened by the kindness and gentleness of a Pisces . Libra is ruled by Venus, so this is naturally thought of as a particularly good placement. You can easily become frustrated with your lovers seeming disinterest in discussing your relationship. Mercury, Venus, Mars, and Ascendant in the signs: Aries Translation: While theyre moving around the Sun, the Earth and Venus are always pretty close to each other. As an astrologer, I [], Astrology Of 2023: Pluto In Aquarius (Don't Fear The Ragnarok), An Astrologer Reviews The Trailer for "Cosmic Love" On Amazon Prime, Fear And Loathing (And Astrology And Mars And Uranus And The North Node). In this case Venus represents the fine arts, museums, design, and sociability. We may earn commission from links on this page, but we only recommend products we love. The Sun transits this sign on average between September 22 and October 23. Both of you are cooperative souls in relationships, and this fact adds tremendous strength to the opportunity for a flowing and respectful relationship. How You Relate to a Partner who also has Venus in Libra: Pairing two Libras at best is pleasing and harmonious. Each of you has perfected the art of diplomacy within relationships, and you need to be careful that you truly confront problems as they arise instead of talking your way around them. Aka anyone theyre interested in definitely knows about it (and may find it hard to resist their explosive energy). The good thing . The Libra place emphasis on social harmony and courtesy. Libra is the sign of balance, and in your attempts to keep the scales balanced, you may wear your partner down by a natural tendency to keep scores. You should watch out that you dont give away power to your partner, and then resent your feeling of powerlessness. Taurus Libra is the seventh sign of the zodiac (September 23-October 22) and is represented by the scales of justice. So life will never be dull, thats for sure! There are no boundaries to the levels of intimacy they seek, although they do not allow this laser-beam analysis to be focused back at them (they are secretive and guarded AF). Freedom is the common theme here. The sign of Libra is intimately connected with partnerships, so you are particularly sensitive to the give-and-take associated with any kind of pairing that is one-on-one. Amani Richardson is a cosmic enthusiast, with a niche for all things self-care and beauty for Black women. Its what makes their world go round and what consumes their waking thoughts. Lovers can expect an eccentric, unique partner who is up for anything, puts no rules or boundaries in place, and makes magical, spontaneous date suggestions (and they look for someone to really go with their flow). Taurus Moon. Silence surrounds your life. Scorpios penetrating yet nurturing essence allows their Libra bestie to feel safe and reassured that no matter what, Scorpio will always be there for them. Your resentment can eventually get the best of your partnership. However, if their compromising, fair nature is taken advantage of, it can lead to tension as they try to fix the balance. Cancer Dont be surprised if they somehow know the name of your third grade teacher or great-grandfather. If they could use an algorithm to match them to this person and save all the chasing, flirting, and uncertainty, they would. Scorpio is an all or nothing kind of sign. You might have a difficult time curbing your expenses as well, simply because both of you have such refined tastes. Scorpios possessive nature can at times turn sociable Libra off, as Libra enjoys meeting new people and creating new experiences. Probably not. This . They are nonconfrontational and will do a lot to appease their partners. One of the problems that arise between Venus in Air (Libra) and Earth (Virgo) temperaments, however, is a fundamental difference in styles of loving that can lead to misunderstandings. Your life is surrounded by mystery. Love saves the day! There is no one quite as reasonable as you are when it comes to matters of the heart! Despite these apparent problems, you truly understand each other and have very similar partnership needs and expectations. Both of you, however, are very willing to make adjustments and concessions in order for your relationship to work. These kinds of issues are not insurmountable, however, especially when you are aware of each others unique set of values and needs. #23. im a libra sun scorpio venus im an emotional mess and lowkey freaky. The best bet is getting a partner who has an equally busy social life of their own, and then everyone is happy. They enjoy love games and flirtation, avoiding starting a relationship for long. Venus in Leo. Venus gives you grace in all of your pursuits and an ability to appreciate true beauty. Much can be unsaid, with a look or touch saying it all. Regardless of your looks, the opposite sex probably likes you. Thanks to her Leo rising and her love for YouTube, you can catch her chatting about the cosmos through various makeup 'Get Ready With Me's.' Once theyre into you, theyre all in, to an almost obsessive level. Best Venus matches: Pisces, Scorpio. Note: You are likely familiar with comparing sun signs to determine compatibility. Scorpio is the most challenging sign for Libra. Aries Hey, did you enjoy reading that? Your love of equality and fairness always surfaces, and although you are generally very willing to acquiesce and concede, resentment can burn inside you if your partner takes advantage of this willingness. Scorpio, co-ruled by powerful Mars and secretive Pluto, has strong thoughts about love and passion. In Scorpio, Venus has to adapt to the completely different quality of this sign. This is the key to unlocking their guarded heart (because deep down, they fear abandonment and are literally on red alert for betrayal 24/7, which can get kinda tiring, actually). Romance: When in love a Venus in Scorpio individual is very committed and loyal. They're attracted to confidence and for them, power is an aphrodisiac. In turn, be sure you acknowledge your partners stability in love, and appreciate the security you derive from their constancy. They value self-reliance and will expect this of the people in their lives. Both are naturally intense with flaring moods, and the fights could be cathartic. Theyre smart and open-minded, and they love to talk about anything and everythingthe stranger, the better. They want to be your number one, and they need to feel needed. Hookups come easily to them, but committed relationships less so because they possess a deeply rooted need to remain free and open to options. Libra & Scorpio. You vibrate to the concept of harmony, and peace is your ultimate goal. Libras least compatible signs are Scorpio, Cancer and Capricorn. No need to weigh the pros and cons, as Aries is an intuitive Fire sign and they figure that if it turns out wrong, the mess can be cleaned up after the fact. They are romantic, idealistic and seductive. Indeed, it can take some time before a person even realizes that a Venus in Virgo actually likes them at all, as they are innately cautious, sensitive, and reserved (they dont like making the first move, nooo thank you). Your partner wants your soul, not just your presence. However, because both of you are rather ambivalent and indecisive, an endless loop may be the result when you get together. People born on the Libra Scorpio cusp feel deeply. The Strongest Libra-Scorpio Cusp Personality Traits. It provides a platform for getting great things in your life. You have a lot to teach and offer to oneanother. Questions about your birth chart, or astrology in general? You typically have a very active social life. They expect others to read their minds, but in this case, it works out. Scorpio and Libra make an unexpected match. There can be considerable respect between you. Getting enmeshed with them can be deadly, where the poison becomes the cure. Virgo Sun-Moon. Once youve DTRd, theyll want to show you off to all their friendsVenus in Leo folks live to be part of a power couple. Although these two signs are next to each other in the zodiac, they couldn't be more different. Your conversations will be very stimulating, no doubt, but will they go anywhere solid? They are pleasing and accommodating partners, sharing their life readily and adapting to others needs without a fuss. As both of you enjoy communicating in relationships, you could easily compete for air time. Now that youve gotten to know me a little better, we should meet this weekend. If you have this Venus sign, your Sun sign is Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, or Sagittarius. How You Relate to a Partner with Venus in Virgo: You and your lover share a love of balance and harmony, which can be a major point of attraction between you. You see, your lover is much more interested in what works in lovewhat they can see in tangible terms. The truth is, you can easily lose your identity in partnership because of your natural ability to see things from your partners point of view. So you know .css-tjvzc4{-webkit-text-decoration:none;text-decoration:none;text-decoration-thickness:0.0625rem;text-decoration-color:inherit;text-underline-offset:0.25rem;color:inherit;-webkit-transition:all 0.3s ease-in-out;transition:all 0.3s ease-in-out;border-bottom:thin solid #6F6F6F;}.css-tjvzc4:hover{color:#595959;text-decoration-color:border-link-body-hover;}your Sun sign and youre vibing with your fiery Aries boldness or your raw Pisces feels. Important Note: We offer sign-to-sign compatibility interpretations assuming readers know that the comparisons attempt to show both the negative and positive sides of only one point of comparison. In the same breath, Libra will need to honor Scorpios need for total solitude when Scorpios social meter runs out. Venus Scorpio admires a strong will, so the Moonchild lover will want to put on a brave face, at least some of the time. Both Scorpio and Libra act as mirrors for each other, and choosing to finally tie the knot and say I do to forever works out for the best. They need attention, appreciation, and passion, but in return, partners are rewarded with a person who wines, dines, and entertains them in the biggest waysplus is incredibly loving and loyal. You will have natural tendency towards horror, gothic, and darker tastes. This marriage license expires in another two weeks, and Id hate to have to pay for another one.. Venus represents your Way of Relating. Scorpio These people are some of the most devoted ones, when it comes to love. (Psst: If you dont know your Sun sign, you can pop your birth time and location into online calculators like Caf Astrology.) Today was supposed to be the day I ran my big hit piece on crappy New Age practitioners. You'll spark with someone who is similarly pragmatic and loves creature comforts in other words, someone whose moon, sun, and/or Venus . : What Are Your Thoughts On The. Although theyre generally frugal (always saving for the future), when dating, they want to impress their partner, so nights out and trips will not be shabby affairs. If your Venus sign comes *after* your Sun sign in the zodiac (so if youre a Scorpio Sun with a Sagittarius Venus), you tend to prefer it if your partner makes the first move and youre super focused on the emotional connection over the physical. Mars in Pisces is compassionate, empathetic, and emotional. You have a particular appreciation for intelligent, well-spoken companions. Promise. You really seem to have it all together, and I like that. They swap insightful observations about people, covering all angles and depths. However, this doesn't mean that they don't get along! Libras social, full-of-life personality will help their Scorpio lover learn to live in the moment and open themselves up to all the beauty the world has to offer. The zodiac sign of Libra is associated with the element of air making Libra very sociable and likable. How can you tell anyway? Aries Sun-Moon. Nothing more, nothing less. The more you press your partner for the feedback you thrive on, the more your partner may withdraw. Venus Scorpio tends toward serial monogamy, though, and the commitment thing could be a dealbreaker. I hope so. Translation: They don't really get each . Everything hidden attracts you. Also, I learned different things through Libra careers. Your partner is definitely a thinker, but you are more given to sharing flights of fancy. Libra is ruled by Venus, so this is naturally thought of as a particularly good placement. Libra is ruled by beautiful Venus, the goddess of love, so they are experts in the art of romance. Venus Basics: Which Sun signs can have Venus in Libra? Aries, the opposite sign of Libra, is ruled by Mars. And there are no half measures! Venus in Libra Characteristics and Personality. To no ones surprise, Libra thoroughly enjoys being wanted and overly protected by their Scorpio spouse. This is because these two signs have fundamentally incompatible values. That means people who have Venus in Libra can have the Sun in only the following signs: Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, or Sagittarius. Libra () (Ancient Greek: , romanized: Zygs, Latin for "scales") is the seventh astrological sign in the zodiac.It spans 180-210 celestial longitude. Libra Sun Scorpio Venus. Both the signs will always stay so . Intuitively, water sign Scorpio knows exactly what they want rather quickly, making an extended courtship too much to bear. Your greatest strengths together are sensitivity and balance, so concentrate on developing these things in aboveboard ways. Theyre witty, smart, and playful, so you always have a good time when youre with themits just finding the time in their schedule thats the problem. Sagittarius Both have hard shell outer emotional defenses, so it'll take time to break through to real intimacy. When Venus is in Scorpio, the mood lighting is candlelight, and there's whispering of secrets. On the bright side, once they find a topic that interests them, these two can talk for hours. If you liked it, why not CLICK HERE and buy me a coffee? They are great company and make others feel truly understood and cared about. Right. Libra is known for their artistic vision and eye for aesthetics. Their families are super important to them, so you better get along well with their mom, their BFF, and/or their grandma. Theyre always learning and they want to have funand you better be able to keep up. They love love and all its trappings and just want to create a cozy nest to share with someone special. "Your partner will hunger to receive big and over-the-top romantic gestures.". And btw, the same applies to your crush, of course! While LIBRA is not a cool and aloof individual, SCORPIO's feelings can run deeper. Libra Tell your friends youre going to be tied up for the rest of the weekend. .css-4xjy6g{display:block;font-family:RundDisplay,Helvetica,Arial,Sans-serif;font-weight:bold;letter-spacing:0.01em;margin-bottom:0;margin-top:0;-webkit-text-decoration:none;text-decoration:none;}@media (any-hover: hover){.css-4xjy6g:hover{color:link-hover;}}@media(max-width: 48rem){.css-4xjy6g{font-size:1.25rem;line-height:1.2;margin-bottom:0.9375rem;margin-top:1.25rem;}}@media(min-width: 40.625rem){.css-4xjy6g{font-size:1.25rem;line-height:1.2;margin-bottom:1.25rem;margin-top:0.9375rem;}}@media(min-width: 64rem){.css-4xjy6g{font-size:1.625rem;line-height:1.2;}}All About Taurus and Sagittarius Compatibility, What You Need to Know About Dating an Aries Man, Here Are Your Signs 4 Best Romantic Matches, The Capricorn and Pisces Compatibility Guide, All About Sagittarius and Libra Compatibility, All About Sagittarius and Pisces Compatibility, What to Know About Dating an Aquarius Man, This Is What Its Like to Date a Capricorn Woman, What to Know About Dating a Capricorn Man, All About Sagittarius and Aquarius Compatibility. The air sign will rarely step on . You'll find clues by reading about Scorpio in Love since Venus is the love planet. Venus in Sagittarius; The Sagittarius are adventurous and easygoing. Thats the primary difference in the approaches that Venus in Libra and Venus in Scorpio take to the people and/or things that they love. According to the twins, moon signs often hold more weight when it comes to compatibility. While Taurus loves to be comfortable and relies on their sense of touch and taste, Libra will want everything pretty and rely on their eyesight and the . I talk about what makes them a good match and what makes. Basically, the barometer of a healthy relationship for them is how much attention theyre getting. If you want to live in a love story, this is where its at. Your partner is also concerned about your relationship, only they are somewhat more reserved than you are when it comes to open expression of love. Venus Scorpio is soulful but has the totem of a poisonous insect. Somewhere between your polar opposites is a balance. That said, they are also incredibly loyal, deep, interested in their partner on all levels and an absolute powerhouse in bed. This works well with your more intuitive, active lover in the sense that they definitely need a partner who will compromise, but you may grow to resent the inequality in your relationship. Sometimes, communicating a loteven to the point of overcommunicatingis important to make sure theres no room for confusion and misunderstanding. We can split the bill, and then I take over for the remainder of the date. Their focus is on commitment, tenderness and physical touch. Trouble starts when Venus Libra wants to keep up appearances, even if that means ignoring what's really going on. They are perceptive and intuitive observers who can sniff out a secret from miles away and can tune in to the true (even unconscious) desires of those they care for. However, both of you are gentle, caring folk in love and these qualities certainly give your relationship a boost. Maybe, and for many people, it can be too much. So if your Sun sign is Scorpio, your Venus sign is probably also Scorpio, one sign away (Libra or Sagittarius), or two signs away (Virgo or Capricorn). This is a pairing of rather dissimilar temperaments in other departments. However, you both should be committed to keeping game-playing to a minimum, as that is one of the biggest problems that can arise between your different temperaments. Their critical notes might get on your nerves, but remember they do it out of care! It can be all too easy for your desire to keep peace in your relationship to be taken advantage of. A Pisces man and a Scorpio woman are very compatible according to their zodiac signs. Venus in Geminis are a handful in love for most people because they cant stand to be tied down at all. I have you Thursday evening until Sunday afternoon. You view partnerships as fundamental to a fulfilled existence, and you work hard at supporting your partners individuality. about the overall compatibility of two people. These two thrive beyond measure as besties. However, your focus is on the excitement of togetherness, while your partner is not so specific in their needs for stimuli. Treat them how you wish to be treated, and they will return the favor to a T. People with Venus in Scorpio attract others readily because they have a hardwired sexuality and a fearless, concentrated need for intensity with others. If there's a shared purpose, that goes far with these two compatible elements (water and earth) Venus signs. Your more practical partner entertains and shares ideas that are often conservative and practical. It may seem to you that your partner is skeptical in matters of the heart, which can certainly irritate your sensibilities, simply because you have an idealistic and positive view of partnership. Venus Scorpio likes to be covert with feelings, at least at first. Your partner enjoys plenty of social and mental stimulationthe more variety, the betterand you do as well. Your partner will truly appreciate your willingness to compromise and accommodate them. You can enjoy very stimulating conversations, especially if you appreciate each others different styles of expression. While the first six signs of the zodiac focus on the individual, the last six focus on the individual's contact with others and with the world. All that being said, even if your Venus signs arent compatible, it doesnt mean that you two cant be endgameit just means that you might have to work a bit harder to understand each others romantic sign identity. (Shout-out to your crush/boo.) The deeply intense yet alluring energies of Pluto-ruled Scorpio can easily blur the lines that Libra tries to set for themselves. Mars in Pisces + Venus in Pisces. The harmony they seem to always have in their soul is . As charming as you are, you might be able to coax your partner out of their shell. Why does no one want to get married anymore? Your symbol is the scales meaning you naturally look to balance out situations. Something important has to happen in Venus in Libra compatibility. Both fashion themselves as intellectuals, and also realists, so it's not likely they'll see through rose-colored glasses. Venus in Cancers crave security, loyalty, and steadfastness. By using this site, you agree to the Terms of Use. A sympathetic, sensitive Cancer, intense Scorpio, or a creative Pisces sun sign makes the most positive impression on you. Scorpio is ruled by Pluto (and traditionally, Mars) and that's not the sort of energy you'd . Its placement in our birth chart affects how we express affection, who were attracted to, and our own allure. They have an ego as well, so making them feel like theyve beat out the competition for your affection is a major turn-on. Want to know more about my big discount on readings for new clients? You see relationships as a great test of your character. What Your Venus Sign Says About Your Relationships, What to Do if Your Sun Signs Arent Compatible, Astrology Can Explain Why Your Ex Is the Worst, What You Learn From Dating Each Zodiac Sign, Our 4-Week Oral Sex Challenge Is Right This Way, your Venus sign is the same as your Sun sign, Your Privacy Choices: Opt Out of Sale/Targeted Ads. Possible extremes of Scorpiocity - with jealousy and obsession - so proceed with caution! Like many of you, Ive been listening to other [], Saturn enters Pisces on March 7, 2023. In love you are very generous giving everything you have over to the relationship. Libras go with the flow indecisive attitude makes it challenging for Libra to stick to the boundaries theyve tried to set for themselves to begin with. Scorpio's intense eye contact during sex allows Libra to feel fully seen, making it easier for Libra to submit . If you fail the test, theyll hold a grudge and likely withdraw into their crab shell for a while. You probably have a good ear for music, a good eye for details, and a hard time passing up a sale. Basically, our Venus sign shows us what makes us happy ~in love~. Their head definitely rules their heart, and they approach every situation with reason and logic. Although Venus in Scorpio people are notorious for their mysteriousness, they may consider you to be somewhat of a puzzle.