You know that adage grab a bull by the horns? Pisces man and woman love to please others, leave no stone unturned for those they care about, and are extremely loyal, Im a Taurus woman and Ive been with my Pisces for 12yrs. Although they have many differences, they arent the kinds that will tear a friendship apart. The Pisces man is drawn to her quiet emotional stability. Some may call it stubborn, I call it protection. Part of it is because I moved away for a little bit, but it actually made us stronger. She avoids conflict and chaos, preferring to seek peace and simplicity. It works really great! My stepfather was also a Piscean and I adore him, I couldnt have asked for anybody better. I wasnt happy in my marriage so I started having my mind wandering outside of the marriage and I found myself getting attracted to other men very quickly. Both the Taurus woman and Pisces man are excellent listeners, providing them with a great sense of ease in their conversation. Sometimes one may view him as weak because of his shifty nature, but he is merely an idealist. WebTaurus man and Pisces woman love match wont get less even after years of marriage. Disagreements are a natural part of your relationship. Hi. As a Taurus woman, I provide stability to his mood swings he showers me with infinite love and understanding. Ive dated 2 Taurus women, both for 3 years +. Before it went any further. . They usually response shorter, cos they avoiding confrontaion like taurus. Dawn I feel you totally on that about Aquarius Meni learned the hard way too but its teahes us a lesson and to better our selvesim dating a pices man and he is so sweet and couldnt ask for anything more. They have a balance that never fails to make the Taurus woman happy, and the Pisces man feels fulfilled as a partner. Maybe he just needs a little push. With time, these two gently learn to satisfy the needs of the other and care too much for each other to make their physical intimacy a beautiful experience. We have our ups & downs like all relationships, & normally when we butt heads , I leave him for 2 months or so until I finally miss him and need him back. Oh and I believe the ex gf is trying to come back into his life, which scares me because I cant tell if hes lying to me about actually talking to her or not. Taurus addresses the craft of affection-making, delicacy, and exotic nature. She will use her sense of practicality and her compassion for this. Whether youre dating one of these zodiac signs or trying to set up someone else, you need to know about the Taurus man and Pisces woman compatibility. Rich woman looking for older man & younger woman. There is this Pisces guy who fidgets a lot when im around He recently added friend on Facebook. They both seek a simple relationship with no strings attached. When they go badly, they are awful our arguments are not often but they are horrible. this is weird.. i met a pisces man on the internet exchanged numbers. WebThe Pisces man and Taurus woman in marriage is a clear winner. The bull has no problem waiting patiently for "The One" to come along. Because in some aspect you are both different. The horoscope gives the Taurus-Pisces bond compatibility that has a sense of certainty. and we felt like we want more precise reason from them, but its mostly inside their head. He talks loudly when he sees when im around, I know he is showing off and all.. but its so irritating to me a taurus lady.. How would you rather be approached? We have many things in common and I feel absolutely happy with him. Babyyyy youre always worth it always my insta is @neziiv if you want to txt me Ill be there for you but never ever ever say youre not worth it never doubt yourself over a man he isnt going to change sadly and thats where your self worth has to come out and tell him that Ohk enough is enough im leaving. He is not only one guy who needs love. So, lets begin The Pisces man is ruled by Neptune, the planet of the Unconscious. Pisces needs the freedom to be themselves. She is artistic, feminine, kind, and easy-going. WebTaurus woman dating leo man Taurus woman dating leo man Before actually dating Read Full Article with. I too was with Taurus woman for 3 yrs. The Pisces man is there to help her rediscover the joys of life. I agree with much of what you have said. Pisces and Taurus relationship compatibility The fact that Pisces and Taurus makes make such a good platonic pairing bodes well for romantic relationships, according to Gat. Linda Goodman's Love Signs - Linda Goodman 2014 WebPisces woman and Taurus man are both all about pleasure. The Taurus woman loves to enjoy a little bit of the finer things in life, although she remains grounded and is not materialistic. These two are inseparable when they fall in love. I suffered with very bad anxiety for around 2/3 years, this was still an issue when I was speaking to him for 8 months (only online) and all I can remember is him saying that he could help with it, every issue I had he said that hed be able to help with and it seemed as if he didnt think he was incapable of anything- to me it was just an excuse of his to meet in the flesh and me being the stubborn bull wasnt having any of it! Taurus and Pisces arguments are rare because both of these signs want to please each other and are highly non-confrontational. However, the Pisces mans creative soul keeps him flipping from one thing to another. We talk so agressively towards one another but when we make up, it is excellent and we dont stay mad at eachother for very long at all. I tell you. Taurus Bull woman is likely to help keep Pisces men motivated and determined in their relationship, bringing magic and romance to their lives. While they both take their time before making a serious They could have a good relationship, but perhaps a short one. Maybe has something to do with rising signs or some other aspect of their chart? Argumentive. The Pisces man is very compassionate and understanding. Im a Taurus woman and married to a Pisces man. I look forward to us getting married. This is where Venus is commended, supernatural, baffling, and very fulfilling for Taurus ruler. I absolutely adore him! Go go go. Im a taurus woman who fell in love with a pisce man with the first kiss.It sometimes hard to figure him out but, when we come together its amazing and i believe that we are going to be together. After reading your comments if feel like quiting this relationship. Im with a Pisces man he is the kindest person Ive ever met, Im Taurus and can be stubborn but we get in so well even though its a long distance relationship Im a very emotional loving person but I struggle to know how he feels as he isnt good with emotions, I tell him I love him but have never heard it back I know he cares very much about me and probably does love me Id just like to hear the words even once would be enough, I really want us to work we have so much in common and laugh continuously but I do find the lack of emotion on his side breaks my heart. Need advice about your love life? Of course he has his sucker days but the older I get the easier I learn to just accept it. I mean that has more to do with you choosing the wrong man lol, Hi, Sara good to meet you Could you please say more of this taurus and pisces also complete that bracket. WebFor the first time, the Pisces male is easily to accommodate himself to what the Taurus female wants. Our community thrives when we help each other. The Taurus woman could potentially have health issues to sort through, including concerns she has kept to herself for too long. Being a taurus woman I stayed in the marriage way too long not wanting to admit that I made a mistake, but I couldnt take the charade anymore. We are soft and gentle with care. Soon I am going to visit his country to meet his family. Life will always throw curve balls at any long-lasting relationship. we pretend not to be express seriousness, leaving our patnerindoubt. I didnt exactly cheat on my ex. I still love him because of his good ways he was so caring and would always help me in anyway wish i knew how to help him sort his problems out..! He was a cheapskate, very controlling and would push my buttons around other women. (Im Pisces), As a Pisces guy:ask (: we love to please.our girl is our priority <3, I too like most of you women here am a Taurus woman and YES I am in love with a Pisces man, it has literally been THEE best relationship Ive had so far no lie. Im just amazed by him and I let him know, he simply adores me as well, he too is aware that we are great together too. WebYes, Taurus man and Pisces woman can get married and live a happy life together. We enjoy treating others to gifts pwith our money though, especially those who appreciate it and who have earned it. They have a dynamic that knows what the other wants without them needing to talk. Give him time to respond cos we are deep thinker. Although their similarities make them a match, the Taurus compatibility with Pisces in bed is even stronger due to their differences. RUN! Were in love with each other but when we butt heads we butt heads HARD. How many times you see cows run up to you? Before long, she will feel guilty and remember all of the great things about their relationship. He has some trust issues we are slowly working past but I am glad to see that the things I say and do instinctively are just what he needs. He needs to clearly know when youre frustrated. Pisces and Taurus, when in a romantic relationship, have a lot in common. Marriage between a Pisces man and a Taurus woman, final words, Dating a Pisces man and the 12 things you need to know, 6 Steamy tips to turn on your Pisces man in bed, click here, Pisces compatibility with each zodiac sign, Do Pisces Men Come Back? Any tips for getting better at communicating with Pisces man? Scorpio Man & Pisces Woman Marriage Compatibility, Scorpio Man & Pisces Woman Bed Compatibility. Taurus is an earth sign and Pisces is a water sign. A Taurus man must give himself to the Pisces woman without reservation, Everyone thought we were the ideal couple because that is what we portrayed to our family and friends. They will last for a long time together, it is highly unlikely they will get a divorce after a few years together. We are a bull sign in a zodiac for a reason. Hello everyone, I as well am a young Taurus woman, whos falling hard for a Pisces man. If you read this far, thank you.. But I just moved on and doing other else that are useful other than thinking about shitty feelings. Her tendency to submit and not dominate on her man, gives satisfaction to him, while his soft and friendly attitude giving space to her and makes her feel like a butterfly. The Pisces man is inevitably luring for a Taurus woman as he takes her into new and uncharted emotional waters, showing her a part of herself that she scarcely knew existed. Hope this helps, tho sex is completely different from a hug and holding of hands lol, but its the same principle.