The Reed avocado was patented around 1960 in Carlsbad, CA, and was believed to be a chance crossing of two Guatemalan-type avocado varieties, anaheim and nabal. (And even though they are both A types like Reed, they can still be somewhat beneficial as pollenizers.). I decided to abandon the fabric pot idea and planted the Reed in the ground in a mound as I felt it wasnt a good idea as far as water requirements, and wasnt interested in experimenting in territory that I cant find much information about Growing avocados in 200 gal fabric pots, the reed is doing well, has grown many new leaves and branches, as far as the heat in banning it doesnt get much over 96 degrees usually in the hottest months it can get infrequently to 100, during the record heat wave We had as few years back it didnt register over 109 degrees here . They will fry. Funny timing with this question, John. My Reed gave us three avocados set last spring. The only thing that is unusual is that the fruit seem to be ready more in spring that in winter. Need some help what do I love your blog. It will give you about 80 calories. Last year and thru the winter this year my tree has shown a lot of salt burn on the leaf tips. I happen to have planted a Reed and a Lamb 7.5 feet apart, and a Hass and Sir-Prize 7.5 feet apart, and these plantings have worked pretty well in terms of spacing. If you thought avocados were limited to the ones in your grocery stores produce section, youre about to have your horizons expanded! In reading your article, I realize that these are going to be for next year, but is there a reason the early dropped fruit just shrivels? document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); I'm Greg. Besides size, the characteristics that I use to distinguish old from new crop are the dullness of the skin and the color of the stem. if they last that long. The trees are on a drip system with provides surface water. Opinion? The fruit is delicious! Honestly, this is going to be difficult unless the tree regains its foliage fast. Shows Promising Antitumor Activity. It also has a nuttier, richer, and bolder taste than most avocados. . It grows well in USDA hardiness zones 10 through 11, and makes a good backyard tree because it is often able to produce fruit without having a pollinizer variety planted nearby. Reed. More on Reed: Recommended by a landscape person saying they grow well and taste great. 3. Drawing up my landscape plans When fully ripe, the flesh is virtually indistinguishable from avocado butter. This may have to do with vitamin E's . At least not once the summer sun and high temperatures kicked in. I have no experience growing in fabric pots. Reed bears early and regularly. My Aunt Dorothy Reed got a patient on the Reed after my uncle her husband died in 1964. They are in small plastic sleeves probably 3 gallon or so for $32 each. Sometimes avocado is also known as alligator pear. I credit its success on your behalf. It sounds like youve got your eye on some great varieties. 1.Avocados Are a Heart-Healthy, Nutrient-Dense Superfood Nutrient-dense foods are those that provide substantial amounts of vitamins, minerals and other nutrients with relatively few calories. As a result of this, shaking this variety is a good way to identify it with a lot of certainties. What luck that you got those trees along with your new house! ^_^ Though the Lamb adjacent to my Reed has taken numerous years off, my Reed has never taken a year off. Just the other day I found a couple of avocados on the ground under my Reed tree. Minneopa Orchards is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to The Maluma is a dark-purple . SOLD OUT FOR 2022. As for when to pick avocados from any tree, please see my post, When to pick avocados.. Its fantastic! That would be amazing as I cant find any in Australia yet. I dont know of anything that will stop these critters from eating avocados, except for keeping them out of the trees or killing them. The only thing you want to avoid is something that will mat too much and possibly become hydrophobic, such as a lot of grass clippings at once or a lot of coffee grounds at once. Most of my plants are 3 years or younger. There is no better gift for a visitor than to send them home with avocados in hand. I have a spot in mind Id really like to plant it, but Im not sure it gets enough light to thrive. As I previously mentioned, Reed avocados are one of the best avocado varieties for first-time growers because of how productive and low-maintenance they are. I live in Mission Viejo and August-Sept in past years are really toasty. My Reed are the size of oranges want them bigger. Long time lurker, first time commmenter. SELF Nutrition Data | Food Facts, Information & Calorie Calculator Until then, I can say that there are lots of different mixes that Ive seen people use successfully and that I have used also. They are now about 5 long, fat and glossy green. I love them and actually need to order a few more for some new trees myself. The avocado nutrition is packed with lots of Vitamins. While the trees are fairly easy to grow, the fruit they produce is second to none, making the Reed avocado the perfect fruit for beginners and experienced growers alike. Neighbors report that this characteristic has been a characteristic of the fruit for awhile. My first place to check would be the watering. Even though the roots you are finding dont appear white on the outside, how do they look on the inside when you break one? Fruit matures between November and March. Growing Facts. But the calories . Popularity soared, and there were talks of selling it commercially in spite of its green skin. Hi Greg The smaller (younger) the avocado fruit, the more vulnerable to stresses. Add chips on top of the soil and never rake any leaves that drop. For some reason our neighborhood has rats now and last year they stripped my plum tree of its fruit. I am interested. Reed Avocado Tree. I mulch heavily. a Hass. They replaced a Bacon variety that died. Reed Avocado. As for fertilizing Reeds specifically, I dont know of any peculiar requirements. The green skin is thick and shell-like, but pliable and the flesh is cream-colored, not discoloring once cut open . Nights are cool, mid 60s. Excited for more avocado content? If it pops off easily, its ripe. What course of action would you recommend at this point? See the website for contact info:, Also consider trying Maddock, which is not far from Subtropica:, And consider Clausen Nursery in Vista: They are big and are not changing in size. I write a new "Yard Post" every Friday. The shape of the fruit is oval, similar to a giant egg. Otherwise, youve got to kill them, as far as I know. Avocados are a source of vitamins C, E, K, and B6, as well as riboflavin, niacin, folate, pantothenic acid . Thank you so much!! This is the first year it has produced though it was here on the property in 2005 when we moved in. I live in Anaheim The plant was in a large pot and loaded with blooms and then small fruit. No need for a pollenizer tree. I love it. Hope your Bushfires are soon under control. The flesh itself has a mild taste and is quite watery. Oval-shaped and dark-green in color, the Choquette avocado originated in Florida and is a mix of two different types - Guatemalan and West Indian. Thanks! Reed fruit need to grow on the tree for at least a year, which means that if your tree is flowering here in June 2020 you will eat that fruit starting in June 2021 (but a bit later for better flavor). Also, dont keep the trees in their current containers for too long. My brother and sister-in-law make those custom engraved tree signs. Nutritional Value The other varieties that bloomed in my yard this spring have been finished flowering for approximately a month already. In general, you can combine avocado with pretty much anything and improve the dish. Have to get to it! I live in Hemet. So I dont prefer to prune my Reed and other summer varieties in September (although I do some minor pruning then and throughout the year). Fruit description. This variety is easily distinguishable by its size and shape. The Haas is a 15 gallon I planted a year and a half ago that has been struggling for a multitude of reasons. Reed avocados are great when eaten by themselves, but theyre even better when properly paired with other foods. Probably. I think that it is due to, in part, the heat wave of July 2018 that caused it to drop almost all its young fruit. Reeds. Last May we bought a 107 year old house with two avocado trees in the back. Maybe, maybe not. It is not a Reed. Maluma. If you live up north or in a milder climate within a couple miles of the beach, youll find that your Reed avocados take longer to build flavor so youll probably want to pick them later, maybe not until the very end of summer. I now have 9 various cados planted in my yard hoping for year around delight. The tree is in a 25g pot and was in the direct sun all day. I would like to plant an additional avocado tree in the front yard and was wondering if you had a recommendation. 15. When you plant a couple trees in one hole you have to do a little more work and be more careful not to let one tree dominate and shade the other. You never know if well get a crazy cold snap and youll need those branches to protect the rest of the tree. Avocados go great on top of hamburgers, sandwiches, and even certain types of pizza. I thoroughly sympathize with how hard it is to wait for avocado trees to bear fruit. Also, during some parts of the year its harder to find many white roots because the roots havent been growing a lot lately. For ex. . I would give Reed a try if I lived in Benicia. Reed avocado fruits are some of the largest and heaviest of any avocado variety. I would like to plant another Avacado to enjoy other times of the year. This buttery consistency is also the reason the pit pops out of its cavity on its own. (The exception is with small trees that Ive watered sufficiently with rainwater all year, which didnt have any leaf burn.). As for a container, just make sure you increase the size incrementally. Due to the combination of high caloric content and rich nutritional value, avocado is an indispensable product for athletes, as it allows to build muscles and to gain calories at . After the trees were planted, I filled these pipes with water several times a day for the first couple of weeks. This time of year it becomes hard to distinguish between old and new crop on Reeds. Reed could work, but would not be the ideal choice, if the allotted space were wider but not so tall. I also purchased a mystery avocado that didnt have a tag at home depot but it grew vigorously the first year and now 6 ft tall in its second year was wondering can you tell the cultivar/variety by examining the leaf only? Hey Greg, They have a reputation as being high in fat, and they are in fact second only to olives in oil content among fruit, but the oil in avocados is high in monounsaturated fatty acids, which is relatively healthy and can actually help lower blood cholesterol levels. I realize that that sounds like a long time to wait. Also, Im planning on planting it where there is currently a mature apple tree (we have 3 and the apples arent that tasty). Thanks. Shop Avocados - Compare prices, read reviews, buy online, add to your shopping list, or pick up in store My soil is very heavy clay and I thought it was was probably best to let the top two inches dry out before re-watering the tree but apparently not. Im definitely trying that. Those who love avocados really love the Reed variety . Unfortunately, anything that drops from your Reed between now and next May will be for the compost pile, as it will just shrivel as you described because it is immature. Thanks for sharing. Paint bare branches as necessary: I imagine they would do about as well as any other avocado variety though, which is to say that in a hot place in the summer like the San Fernando Valley youll have to be really careful to water enough, but it sounds like you already know that. So what do you think? Any ideas on why this tree doesnt seem to want to recover? Thank you for your great blog I have had a Reed for about 3 years. I talked about it in my profile of the Lamb variety: We have a small backyard mostly concrete with about 5-7 feet of planting space on the east and north side of the house and a large front yard on the northwest. Our tree split itself into 5 different directions trunk since after we planted it in ground. Hi Greg thanks for all the helpful info and pictures on your website Ive found it very informative I just added a second 5 gal home depot reed in the ground on a mound to my avocado home orchard. Any recommendations. Avocados are an excellent nutritional source of magnesium, potassium, vitamin C, vitamin E, and vitamin K. The following nutrition information is for half of an avocado and is provided by the USDA. Prior to the 50s the whole place was avocado orchards. Thanks for the contribution and feedback. But we are unsure if our Cannonball is flowering. If you dont want to trap and kill, then I would try mesh bags over each fruit since you have so few, and maybe that will be just enough of a deterrent. Slice in half and add tuna salad. Finally, its outstanding flavor profile and creamy consistency make it a great centerpiece for many recipes. Thank you. 3.Naturally Sodium-, Sugar- and Cholesterol-Free. The nurseries I called have bacon, fuerte, holiday, Mexicola Grande, and one other I didnt recognize. Heres a brief video profile of the Reed variety of avocado tree: My Yard Posts are ad-free and keep coming because of the support of gardeners and farmers like you. It is mostly commercially grown in California. We had a crop in 2017 but the heat wave caused all to drop when they were the size of walnuts. I took most to church to give away. It would flower, then very small fruit would appear and later they would drop off. Avocado is basically a berry - a large one with a single seed inside it. They also have lower weight, lower BMI, less belly fat, and higher levels of HDL (high-density lipoprotein, or "good"cholesterol). We are at the end of a culdesac, large yard with half lawn/ half succulents with wood chips. Use mini sprinklers at least the first few years, not drip. Any input is appreciated! Did you plant a seed from a Reed avocado or did you plant a grafted Reed tree? 16. If thats a possibility with 5 gal containers, the goal would be to use Hass, Reed and another. Check kilojoules / calories. We have added landscaping, garden and irrigation to the backyard, and this summer both trees are laden, and are dropping (excess?) In fact, Reed avocados are a bit bigger than I prefer. We use the paper bag and apple trick on the Fuerte, to good result, but the reeds just shrink up and wrinkle. Fortunately the plants get full morning sun during the winter and from late spring through early fall they should get sun nearly all day long. Unsaturated fats may help support normal growth and development of the nervous system and brain for your baby. In fact, its even better in terms of the two having distinct harvest seasons. My goal is to help others grow food at home, with a focus on vegetables and fruits -- especially avocados -- in Southern California. Advice please. Will the Reed self pollinate or do I need to plant a male and female? Is that why my tree has never produced flowers or fruit? The closest Ive ever seen Reed avocado trees planted in a commercial grove is five feet apart. Input your search keywords and press Enter. Overall, pruning Reeds and other summer varieties is more difficult than winter and spring varieties, in my experience. The biscatechin was shown in vitro to have antimicrobial . Reed avocados store well in the fridge once cut. However, I have to fight the squirrels for my Fuerte fruit. Has it been not enough water or something in your soil? Hi John, The fruit is rounded and weighs 12 to 18 ounces, about the size of a softball. The FDA increased the recommended serving size for avocados in 2016 from one-fifth of a fruit to one-third. I have a 45/50 year old reed producing the Best avocados I have ever eaten. You can optionally plant your avocado seed directly into the ground, or you can start it in a cup and transport it to the ground as it progresses. Had my own Reed Avocado tree while living in Calif. I might add a Gwen to that lineup for my next tree. They are loaded with fiber so they are great for your digestive system. Its covered with blooms this year so I have great hopes. They eat the small fruit, the size of a Quarter for the young seed. Curious about how to find one of these avocados or maybe even how to grow your own? They have thick green skin that is only slightly pebbled. Sept-Nov when skin is black. Those varieties take from six to nine months to mature. Like video? Through pruning, this distance can be sustained. The easy peeling and pit removal saves a lot of time. Ive had a semi hard Reed and didnt like it, so think Ill wait. I have found that avocado trees in pots during the summer usually do better when they get water every day or at least every other day, but in small amounts. Reed avocado is a variety of avocado that is known for its nutty flavor and creamy texture. I planted it in an 88 cedar planter with an open bottom that I madebecause my soil is hardpan. Ive never been to Louies. Best wishes on your productive garden. Young avocado trees usually grow fine without any fertilizer, but can grow a bit faster with a small amount of fertilizer. A friend has a Reed seedling tree that makes very good fruit, but its not the same as a grafted (true) Reed. In blender, add 2 ripe peeled and pitted avocados, the solid part of the coconut milk (save the liquid for another recipe), frozen banana, 3 tablespoons maple syrup, 2 tablespoons lemon juice, and 4-5 mint leaves. I just bought a Reed from Maddock nursery in Fallbrook. She notes that since avocados are a pretty significant source of healthy monounsaturated fat, they make you more satisfied and are harder to overdo because they tend to fill you up. If it doesnt have leaves then you need to protect the bare branches, for sure. Reed avocados yield to gentle pressure when ripe, though their skin will remain green. On a side note, can you please tell me where you had those engraved wooden tree/garden markers made? Portrait of smiling young woman vendor in apron holding two. It both encroaches on neighboring trees and it exposes fruit and branches to sunburn, as well as to branch breaking. All that being said, in my yard, of the good, common, and productive varieties, Lamb and Hass have peaked in bloom latest, and therefore closest to when Reed peaks. Should I just get another heavy duty stake, or is there some way to gently ween this thing off the stakes? A change in my neighborhood is that we do have folks now with outdoor dogs and so their food could be a draw. Thanks. 3-4 avocados 5lbs = Approx. Its never flowered and, therefore, never produced any fruit. So get fruit year round. You can give it a name of your own choosing. I bought a 5 gallon Reed at Louies in Riverside today. If the tree was grown from seed, then it is unique. The flesh is very soft to the point of being one of the most delicate of all avocado varieties. Where are you? If by the end of August you dont see a lot of new leaves, then Id give up. Learn how it is unique and its effect on pollination. They are big and round and heavy. Try it on its own, or with just a squeeze of lemon and a sprinkle of sea salt. Wed love to hear all about your experiences with this avocado in the comments section below! I love reading about people still nurturing avocados in Whittier and environs. Basically Along with their low sodium levels, avocados contain no cholesterol. LOVE! Perth, Western Australia. I have a 3-ish year old Reed and (if Im not mistaken) just today I distinguished the first flower shoots. One is a Reed, easily 30ft , and the other is a Fuerte, about 25ft. It is . As for my favorite? Are there any issues in planting in a location where there was recently another tree? The skin of a Reed avocado is very shell-like, which makes them very difficult to peel. Sounds like a good variety. but ill remind myself to wait till the summer (or around this time). 'Reed': Developed from a chance seedling found in 1948 by James S. Reed in California, this cultivar has large, round, green fruit with a smooth texture and dark, thick, glossy skin. I live in Pomona, and have a 29 year old Reed avocado tree in my yard. Lastly, dont add anymore fertilizer of any kind. Still, Fuerte and Lamb would be a great combination; theyre both delicious avocados, and youll probably get satisfactory crops from them in most years. But what if you only have room for one avocado tree in your yard? These include vitamins A, B-6, C, D, E, K, B1 (thiamine), B3 (niacin), B2 (riboflavin) and B5 (Pantothenic Acid).